St. Petri

In the heart of the city stands Hamburg’s oldest major church with the largest Hamburg organ of here based company, Rudolf von Beckerath.

Eckdaten Orgel

Organ in St. Petri

Location: Hauptkirche Sankt Petri
Bei der Petrikirche 2
20095 Hamburg
Builder: Rudolf von Beckerath
Year of construction: 1955
Number of pipes: 4.724
Number of stops: 66
Setting: 4 Manuale und Pedal
Spieltisch St. Petri. Photo: Hauptkirche St. Petri, Hagen Wehrend

Rudolf von Beckerath (1907-1976) is the Hamburg organ builder, who utterly gained an international reputation after Arp Schnitger. In St. Petri, a large four-manual organ was built in 1955, which included a considerable proportion of older pipes from the 19th century. In 2006, the organ was rededicated after a comprehensive renovation and expansion by the company Alexander Schuke (Potsdam).

Photo: Orgelstadt Hamburg e.V. – Photographer: Alexander Voss
Photo: Orgelstadt Hamburg e.V. – Photographer: Alexander Voss

Sound samples